I must know of about 14 cool places to hang out in NYC. lol...hmm...maybe that isn't so great...well it is i guess if you are a HUGE nerd! ^^
Comic Stores
Midtown Comics- Theres two of these. Check the address because i didn't find one of them.
Kinokuniya!- I knew the other one before it closed! check the address for this one. I haven't been here.
Stmarks- Small people are assholes but you'll find comics and manga
Forbidden Planet- Great people, huge manga selection, don't buy the anime too expensive, comics on the downstairs area.
Midtown Comics- Near Timesquare, HUGE tons of comics and a decent selection of manga, no anime dvds sorry.
Someplace on 11st in manhattan- no that's not the name i just don't know it lol. But it's small and nice, pretty ok. Only comics though. So i don't go there much.
Nintendo World- You can play the Wii here for free! and the DS also i think. Pretty cool place but it's always friggin packed!
ImageAnime- Small, they have some great selections for anime, nice clothes, nice figurines, i love the bags and their staff is nice. Small but cool.
Jim Haleys Universe- if you want cheap shirts go here! check the bin they rank from 7-15$ i love it! HUGE comic area,unfortunately it's not well organized. Decent manga selection, no anime dvds sorry.
This is where you gotta be for the fun stuff. It's all hidden because you know some of the stuff they sell are bootleg, and most of the stores are underground for no reason. You got me don't worry!
Mott street- lol Walk down and you'll find an arcade on the right and then go further you'll see a comic store! it's past haagen Dazs you can't miss it. Go backwards from the arcade. You'll find an anime store. It's UNDERGROUND. So look on the steps for the naruto symbols. Don't worry you'll see it . Keep your head down. They open at 1 in the afternoon.
Elizabeth Center on Elizabeth St- Go inside but take the escalator down! you'll find awesome shonen and shojo stores. Cheap anime running for about 10 bucks. The mangas cheap too. There is another place i haven't checked there too.
Go to Gamestop also! in unionsquare! buy the games and play free PS3 and other stuff.
Virgin- you can also play games here for free. Union Sq.
You guys probably noticed that i didn't give addresses. Lol that's cuz i don't know them that well. I just know how to get there. i can't give you exact instructions. Just look for it on google you'll find it.
Lol well that's all i know for the geeky spots in NYC. I wish i could show you myself but the fun part about nyc is getting lost and exploring! that's my idea of a party ladies and gents. Lol and that whole list you read is my plan for what i am going to do for prom! whoooo the night of nerdery! I can't wait to get back to that arcade *drools*
Aw...Vegeta...i'm not a loser am i?
http://www.rkchin.com/index.html map for chinatown NYC.