This is just beautiful NG looks way better.So let me say that this is my blog which i intend to bore you with all my events that happen in my everyday life as if you actually care.So today i brushed my teeth, then I went to summer school,came home,waited for Ng to come back online,then started typing online. HOPE YOU ALL LOVED MY FANTASTICAL DAY! NEXT TIME I'LL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY DEPRESSIONS AND WHY I NEED A HUG!
I know what you mean, there's so many grand improvements to Newgrounds now, it's all so wonderful!
Also, they drastically changed everything to my level,and rank. My rank actually went lower, I'm saddened my this. Oh well, better start blam/protect more often.
Nice icon also, I wish I had that, I have some type of Pipe. Heheh.
The new icons are pretty nice! I'm kinda pissed that my post count isn't going up!