Why a four year old child could understand this. Run out and get me a four year old child, I can't make head or tail out of it. Groucho in Duck Soup (movie)

Age 33, Female

??? O.o



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Bizarro me!

Posted by Sawke - November 16th, 2009

Do you have an alternate self? my cousin...is bizarro me in almost everyway its scary.

We're both half black half white

she's skinny and academically smart, i'm slightly chubby and artistic.

she likes shopping and doing stuff, i like sitting around and walking to comic stores.

she watches Americas Next Top Model, I watch anime.

she's social, i'm unsocial

she gets plenty of guys, i get guys attention but they aren't attractive

she's selfish, i try to put others needs above my own

everyone in our family likes hanging out with me, everyone dreads when she comes

i like rock, she likes rap

i wear band tshirts and baggy clothes, she wears tight girly shit

she has a oval face type, i have a more round look

she has a "sexy" look, i've been told i'm cute blaaaah

she likes shopping, i'm cheap so i don't care about it

she blows through money, i save up

i have glasses, she doesn't

she has straight hair because she gives a shit and straightens it, i have thick wild curls

i have glasses, she doesn't.

i ask questions because i'm genuinely interested, she only fakes interest

she never asks how people are doing, i'm always ready to hear it, as long as its not a 30 hour complaint lol.

I think that's about all of them, if you still don't have a clear idea, think Betty and her sister from ugly betty, the physical differences are exactly the same.

In short, i'm the girl guys like to hang out with, she's the girl guys want to fuck. Apart i'm fricking awesome, Place us together and my dignity gets bitch slapped, yes i'm honestly jealous, everything she's at ease about i'm completely insecure. But i'm not saying she's selfish and bratty out of jealousy, she REALLY is that way, believe it or not SOMETIMES girls who are used to getting by on their looks can be a LITTTTLE bit obnoxious.

She's not that pleasant to be around. I won't show a picture...because i don't need to be told she's better than me here to! and like i said i'm not irritated with her because she's prettier than me, she's just very very nasty at times. I'll leave you with this that she said "I don't want to take the bus, my jeans will get dirty!" ya.


wow, i have only met people who look just like me.

that's pretty cool

you should do an experiment and place a magnet on a pendulum and suspend it in between both of you and see which way it leans

anything involving bizzaro characters makes me think of that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine meets the bizzaro characters of Jerry George and Kramer

I don't have any "alter egos" but I see people acting or making choices in a way that reminds me of myself in my various stages of development

I wouldn't worry to much about your friend though

shallow people live in their own shallow world and the same for deep people

its all a matter of perspective

I will throw you a pearl of wisdom

something I learned early on, and it has helped me tremendously because I was able to understand it

"your focus determines your reality"

if can understand that phrase, you will be light-years ahead of other people your age

i already am lol

You are so perfect, I hate you don't see it. Bizzaro you is perfect for bizzaro me, apply that to realize my statement. I think that you are all you don't think you are. You are better. And if I met a girl who enjoyed walking to the comic store. I'd guard her like the treasure she truly is.

LMAO! aw thats sweet thanks!

So what happens? Does UnBizzarro and Bizzarro co exist in your head at the same time?

You're the ideal choice of a good marriage :l.
Your cousin uhh... YEAH. She'll be a handful.
Wasting so much money on her, she 'd probably want EVEN MORE STUFF.
You are pretty much a better person (oh noes, am i going to hell?:C)
But yeah, You're like my mom(YOU AREN"T OLD, don't get me wrong here D8)
But she doesn't want all that jewelery crap.
Basically my dad got the better end of the deal xD.
he could of dated this one girl, but he chose my mom.
(sniffle) god I'm to emotional for a guy :c
I almost broke a tear.. this comment is going on to long o.o.
~rant rant rant~
Anyways, have a nice day(this was posted in 09? God wish i was around longer on Ng). Okay, now pce :o