Whats so geeky about you? and how deep in to your interests are you?
I love comic books i'm not in to superhero comics though, more like normal story ones, i'm also a GIANT anime fan, i've seen more than 20 of them. I also have a few mangas but i dont like to waste money so i dont buy them often.
Im a crazy movie freak, i love movies, but action just doesn't interest me that much, i love old 30s movies and comedys. I dont collect them but believe me i've seen A LOT of them.
I know a lot about science and art, i'm really in to things about blackholes and theorys about the universe. And i know a lot about art history, both excite and interest me. I desperately want a tshirt that shows the milky way and a arrow pointing to our solar system showing "you are here" damn i want it but it's hard to find.
I didn't read it, but Hello.